• Website Development Company
February 20, 2024 Three Bird Creative

Prevent Your Website From Breaking: Essential Maintenance Guide to for Contractors

What Builders and Contractors Need to Know About Website Maintenance

You may not know this, but your website could be hurting your business.

Many elements are involved in maintaining a WordPress website to ensure optimal performance. Your website should be modern and secure and present your company in the best possible way. To ensure your website is successful and performs well, we’ve compiled a quick and easy guide to show if your website is doing more harm than good.

Your website is vital in attracting new clients and hiring skilled employees. Our team manages websites for various industries, particularly focusing on the unique online requirements of construction and specialty contractor businesses. We regularly analyze websites in the service industry to provide contractors with insights and guidance on improving their online presence. Below are several key areas we believe are important to consider:

Websites Built More Than 3 Years Ago Can Present Big Issues.

An outdated website is the most glaring shortfall, making a service contractor appear as not-reputable; and in some cases just flat out, ‘closed-for-business.’ Oftentimes, these websites were created as a favor by a family member, a side task from a cross departmental employee or outsourced to a one time use vendor. These websites, in turn, quickly become outdated without having a dedicated professional to provide normal, ongoing maintenance. This can result in lost prospects, lack of customer trust and difficulties in recruiting skilled employees. 

For businesses, we recommend maintaining the most current version and modernizing the website’s platform every 3-5 years. However, functional updates and security improvements are an ongoing process. This approach helps keep the website fresh and aligned with current web standards without frequently needing a complete overhaul.

The Problem with Newer Websites 1-2 Years in Age

Another trend is newer modern websites loading slowly, particularly on mobile browsers, due to improper formats of images, videos, and animations; all of which can lead to lower search rankings. A website should ideally load within 2-3 seconds for optimal user engagement. Google research shows that 53% of mobile users abandon a site if it takes over three seconds to load, emphasizing the importance of quick loading times for retaining visitors.

Identify Issues With Your Website With A Digital Inspection

Your website is much like the envelope of your online presence. It’s not merely a structural element; it’s a protector, a creator of first impressions, and a reflection of your brand’s integrity. The care you invest in your physical construction projects should be mirrored in how you maintain your website.

Here are 7 warning signs indicating that your website needs updates:

    1. Slow Web Pages:  A lack of updates and improper sized content can make your site slow driving away potential business. Aim for 1-3 seconds.
    2. Embarrassment About Your Site: Do you want to show people your website? If you’re hesitant to share your site, it likely doesn’t represent your business adequately.
    3. Missing Content: Broken links or missing images signal the need for an update.
    4. No Incoming Leads: A lack of inquiries or leads might point to inadequate design or functionality with the contact forms.
    5. Not Showing on Search Engines: Poor SEO, missing tracking codes, or outdated content can reduce online visibility.
    6. Drop in Traffic & High-Bounce Rates: A significant drop in site traffic and higher-bounce rates is a clear sign of inadequate design or functionality.
    7. Cannot Contact Web Designer: If you do not get monthly reports from the designer about updates or cannot contact. 

Final Thoughts: Dedicate Monthly Maintenance to Avoid Failure 

Implementing these best practices can help steer contractors toward a thriving digital presence, preventing the dreaded “website nightmare” scenario that can derail your day and make it harder to attain your goals. We are committed to supporting contractors and maximizing their online potential. Mastering website maintenance is the key to online success, and we’re here to help you look your digital best.

Get Your Free Website Performance Audit

Even if we don’t create your site, we are here to provide guidance and education to ensure maximum potential online. 

 Contact us today for a free website performance and SEO audit.

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